November 2, 2012 | Source: Admin User, Inc.
Growth Direct™ System on Display at PDA Microbiology Conference
POSTED BY Admin User | 1 minute read
November 2, 2012 | Source: Admin User, Inc.
POSTED BY Admin User | 1 minute read
Last week was extremely exciting for Rapid Micro Biosystems. For the first time we displayed our Growth Direct™ System (available in 2013) at our booth during the 2012 PDA Microbiology conference in Bethesda Maryland.
This presented a great opportunity for the microbiology experts in attendance to see an operating Growth Direct™ System in person . During the breaks, we demonstrated the automated capabilities of the system as we scanned and loaded cassettes. We were able to show attendees the 2 incubators where the cassettes were stored after loading. Next, the cassettes were automatically transferred to the imaging chamber where they were analyzed for growth, and then returned to the incubator.
Our short demonstration highlighted the value that automated, non-destructive detection and automation can have to microbial quality control labs.
We will continue to hold our workshops in Bedford, MA for anyone interested in seeing the new Growth Direct System in action.
Thank you to everyone that was able to stop by our booth during the show.