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Annex 1

The expert resources your quality control microbiology program needs to overcome the hurdles of implementing the new Annex 1.

The new EU GMP Annex 1 requires manufacturers of sterile medicinal products to have a clear plan for preventing contamination of their finished products by microorganism, particulate, or pyrogen. One of the main hurdles that you must overcome to achieve this, as outlined in the new Annex 1, is to develop a facility-wide contamination control strategy, focused on deploying a continuous monitoring approach for Grade A environmental monitoring.

So how do you optimize your facility's contamination control strategy to uphold Annex 1? AUTOMATION.

Testing and analyzing samples for microbiological quality control (QC), i.e. environmental monitoring and bioburden testing, is typically a time-consuming, manual process. Lab personnel must spend valuable time on subjective enumeration, repetitive sample analysis, and error-prone recordkeeping steps. The Growth Direct® system is an automated rapid microbial method (RMM) that overcomes these challenges, integrating novel growth-based technology with advanced robotic automation, powerful optical imaging, algorithmic vision analysis, and data management. The synergy of these innovations results in fast, accurate environmental monitoring and bioburden testing that can boost productivity in your microbial QC lab while allowing you to uphold the requirements of the new EU GMP Annex 1. 

Annex 1 Resources At Your Fingertips

WEBINAR | Environmental Monitoring & Bioburden Control in Light of Annex 1

What the new EU GMP Annex 1 means for your QC program and how to get your contamination control strategy up to speed. 

ARTICLE | Making Automation the Standard: An Annex 1 Overview

Explore how automated rapid microbial methods and the new EU GMP Annex 1 go hand and hand on a global scale.  


WEBINAR | Regulatory Perspectives on Rapid Microbiological Methods

Industry thought leader Dr. Michael Miller shares his expert perspective on global regulations encouraging use of rapid methods, with a special focus on Annex 1 published revisions. 

The Rapid Blog | Automating Your Passive Air Monitoring

Recent Annex 1 updates have opened the door to rapid microbial methods in passive air monitoring. In this post to the Rapid Blog, explore expert insight on how traditional settle plate testing can be automated. 


WEBINAR | Know It Before You Grow It: Case Studies and Approaches for Rapid Mold Detection

Mold contamination is considered a loss of control over the environment according to EU GMP Annex 1. In this webinar, explore how automated mold detection enhances EM testing workflow and eliminates the need for additional operator assessment, leading to faster remediation.