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Freising Growth Direct® Demo Days

April 10-11, 2024 | Join us for a 2-hour hands-on demo of the Growth Direct® System at our Laboratory in Freising, Germany

Attend a hands-on demo at our laboratory in Freising, Germany to see firsthand how the Growth Direct® System can empower your quality control microbiology workflow with automation.

Space is limited, register today!


If these dates are not convenient for you, please continue to complete the form selecting that you are interested in a demo and we will work to schedule a date that accommodates you.

Registration Form


As detailed above, the demo days will take place at our facility in Germany: Lise-Meitner-Straße 30, 85354, Freising. If you have any questions regarding the demo or registration, please contact Helena Mooney; hmooney@rapidmicrobio.com.