Quick to spread and difficult to detect, molds can compromise a facility in the time it takes to confirm their presence. RMBNucleus™ Mold Alarm allows investigations to begin in as little as one day with automated alerts triggered by detection of molds during the early stages of incubation. Qualitative-actionable data is communicated by automated emails and on-screen alerts, providing early intervention and remediation to improve regulatory compliance and reduce safety risks.
RMBNucleus™ Mold Alarm signals at the first sign of mold detection. This allows for intervention and remediation to start in as little as one day, upholding compliance and reducing risk.
Watch our recent webinar with Microrite’s Ziva Abraham: Rapid Mold Detection and Proper Remediation, hosted in partnership with American Pharmaceutical Review, to learn more about how you can stay a step ahead of mold contamination.
Combining automated mold detection with seamless LIMS integration and a full audit trail, RMBNucleus™ Mold Alarm reduces sources of human error while freeing staff from manual data entry. In a study utilizing a panel of 16 commonly recovered EM molds, it detected all molds present.
RMBNucleus™ Mold Alarm only requires an update of Growth Direct® System software, leaving your existing action alert limit values and cassette handling preferences intact—while adding a new, real-time course of action when mold is present.